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Auto accidents happen in Maryland for many different reasons. However, a negligent driver is somehow to blame more often than not. If you get seriously injured because of someone’s negligence/recklessness, you’ll probably be able to get their insurer to cover your expenses. But what if the insurance company attempts to give you the run-around? Believe it or not, it is quite common for victims to experience unfair insurance practices. After all, insurers aren’t worried about the injured. They only care about their bottom lines. That’s why you need a trustworthy Maryland car accident attorney on your side.
They’ll fight tooth and nail on your behalf to recover the owed compensation. Meanwhile, you’ll be able to concentrate on more important matters, your health, and your well-being.
Now, let’s look at some negligent acts that could entitle you to seek restitution.
According to the CDC website, sending or reading a text at 55 miles per hour equals traveling the length of a football field with your eyes closed. Therefore, people should never text and drive, as it is a distraction that can have disastrous consequences. Yet, motorists everywhere, including those right here in The Old Line State State, do it daily. So if you get into a wreck with a texting driver, and their insurer doesn’t play fair, it might be time to contact a Maryland car accident attorney because you may have the grounds to seek compensation.
It is now 2021, and you would think it has been drilled in peoples’ heads not to drink and drive. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case, though. Some individuals go out partying, head to sporting events, or do other things where they consume alcohol and get behind the wheel. Their judgment gets impaired, and they operate the vehicles erratically. Then, accidents occur that kill others or leave them with significant injuries. If a drunk driver seriously hurts you or claims the life of a loved one, you might have the right to compensation.
These are only some forms of negligence, but there are many others. Hence, if you believe a driver was negligent during a wreck, please, don’t hesitate to contact a Maryland car accident attorney. Not just any lawyer will do, though, because you need the best of the best. Thus, call us at Wingfield, Ginsburg, and Lipp, P.C., to schedule a free case review.
Contact Information
700 5th St. NW Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20001
Phone: 202-789-8000
Toll Free: 800-584-4165
Fax: 202-371-1825
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